Free Platform Provides Pilpul for Bar Mitzvah Boys

A new website in memory of Zev Aryeh Glick AH helps Bar Mitzvah boys fulfill the time-honored custom of reciting a pilpul at their bar mitzvah. The website provides a variety of pilpulim in English, Yiddish, and Lashon Hakodesh, available for free download for easy learning and delivery.

There are numerous traditions surrounding the preparation and celebration of a boy turning thirteen and becoming a Bar Mitzvah. One of these ancient traditions is for the Bar Mitzvah to prepare a Pilpul—an intricate discussion analyzing a certain aspect of halachah in depth. The pilpul marks a beginning and serves as a grand entrance for the bochur into the world of serious Torah learning.

Unlike the Maamer, which is prepared and available for the boy to learn and memorize, there is no one standardized pilpul, and it needs to be prepared for the boy by his father or teacher. This is not an easy task, and the custom is difficult to fulfil.

With the encouragement of mechanchim and Rabbonim, there is a new resource available. The newly published has a variety of pilpulim (in English, Yiddish and Lashon Hakodesh) prepared and available for FREE download so that a bochur can learn and memorize it, in order to recite it at his Bar Mitzvah celebration.

Some of the pilpulim presented pertain to a Bar Mitzvah, such as laws of Tefillin and becoming obligated in mitzvos. Others are available that pertain to different Yamim Tovim, so if a bochur becomes a Bar Mitzvah near a certain Yomtov, he can choose to speak about a topic connected to the Yomtov.

The pilpulim are adapted from the Rebbe’s Sichos, and have been distilled and organized to make it easier for a bochur to learn and recite. The Bar Mitzvah should learn and understand the pilpul, and hopefully add to it from his own learning. The Bar Mitzvah can also add a personal beginning and end, connecting it to the parshah, to the Bar Mitzvah’s name, or to the time of the year.

Each pilpul has sections that are “optional,” which are presented in smaller, indented type. The pilpul will be fully understood without including those pieces, but they add insight or complexity if Bar Mitzvah wishes to include them.

Please note that the pilpulim as presented on the website are but a brief excerpt from a lengthier sichah. It is best to learn the sichah in its entirety to see the full context, depth, richness and clarity of the subject.

A special thank you to: Rabbi Mendel Chaikin for expertly crafting and writing the pilpulim for this purpose, Rabbi Levi Sudak for translating them into English and Lashon Kodesh, Rabbi Mendel Eidelman for editing and proofreading, Mrs. S. Herz for proofreading the English; the team at Spotlight Design for the design template.

It is the hope that this project will enhance the ancient minhag of reciting a pilpul, and help bochurim gain an appreciation for the depth and beauty of Torah.

This project was created in honor of and לעלוי נשמת זאב ארי’ ע”ה בן יבלט”א הרה”ח שניאור זלמן שי’ גליק who would have become a Bar Mitzvah on 12 Tishrei this year. May the Torah learning resulting from this be a zechus for his neshamah, and may it hasten the revelation of Moshiach speedily!

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