Watch Live Now: Eighty girls from fourteen Chabad high school around the country will be competing in a live Chidon competition on the Rambam’s Sefer Hamada this Sunday.
For the past six months, eighty girls from fourteen Chabad high school around the country have been dedicating every spare moment to mastering the entire Sefer Hamada of the Rambam. After taking 5 challenging tests, those with the top scores will be competing in a live Chidon competition this Sunday!
The Chidon is run by Batsheva Learning Center and has grown from twelve participants to eighty in just four years.
This year’s competition will be a three-round game show, open to the public for viewing.
The competition will feature addresses by Batsheva Learning Center’s board members, Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe and Mrs. Chayale Tzukernik as well as the organization’s founder, Mrs. Hadassah Shemtov.
Join us live at 7:30p.m. EST this Sunday, Daled Nissan, March 29th.
Click here to join.