Foresight of Four Chassidim Helps Chassidim 55 Years Later

Thanks to four chassidim who recorded the Rebbe’s Purim farbrengen of 5727, JEM was able to restore and publish the recording of the farbrengen with clear and full audio.

Rabbi Ahron Goldstein sheyichye, Ann Arbor, MI. Rabbis Berel Baumgarten of Argentina, Leibel Raskin of Morocco, Dovid Raskin of New York.

What do these four Chassidim have in common?

Recently uncovered by JEM’s Ashreinu team, each of these four individuals recorded or had in their possession a recording of the Rebbe’s Farbrengen of Purim 5727. Together with the WLCC collection, these five versions of the Farbrengen are now being meticulously transferred to digital form, and then compared with each other and with the transcripts of the Farbrengen for the clearest and fullest possible audio of the Farbrengen.

When complete, this audio will be published on in the coming days for all to experience a Purim Farbrengen with the Rebbe in restored quality.

Also newly restored is Purim 5720. Purim 5716 is on the way, which will complete the restoration of all Purim Farbrengens from the Yuds and Chofs.

With many restored Farbrengens totaling tens of hours of clear audio, you can start experiencing Purim with the Rebbe today at

Also check out the renowned Ashreinu Megillah, combining all the Rebbe’s explanations and lessons from the Megillah on an interactive platform. Much of this audio has been restored, and more content will be added over the coming weeks.

Join the restoration efforts at


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