For Every Member of Your Family: Keren Hashana

During Tishrei of 1953, the Rebbe founded an innovative tzedaka fund, “Keren Hashana–the Fund for the Year.” The Rebbe explained that this fund would ensure that everyone gives to charity every day of the year. The fund, which the Rebbe created under the aegis of Machne Israel, disburses tzedaka twice every day on behalf of all those that participate in the fund. 

During Tishrei of 1953, the Rebbe founded a very innovative tzedaka fund, “Keren Hashana–the Fund for the Year.” The Rebbe explained that this fund would ensure that everyone give to charity every day of the year. The fund, which the Rebbe created under the aegis of Machne Israel, disburses tzedaka twice every day on behalf of all those that participate in the fund. 

The Rebbe said that donations should be made on behalf of all members of the family in the amount matching the number of days of the year. (See Likkutei Sichos volume 2, page 651)

Throughout the years, during the month of Tishrei, the Rebbe would publicly encourage participation in this fund.

To be certain that you, and your family members, are part of the Rebbe’s special fund, please donate here or by mail: 

Machne Israel-Keren Hashana
770 Eastern Parkway
Brooklyn, New York 11213



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