Flooding in 770 as Storm Quickly Overwhelms Drains

The main shul and basement of 770 Eastern Parkway were flooded on Tuesday morning as the New York area was hit with thunderstorms and flash floods.

By Anash.org reporter

The main shul in 770 Eastern Parkway was flooded on Tuesday morning as the New York area was hit with thunderstorms and flash floods.

The heavy downpour caused significant flooding in the main shul and basement of 770 Eastern Parkway. Located below street level, the entrances quickly filled with water, overwhelming the gutters and quickly flowing inside the shul.

Water also began pouring in from the ceiling in a number of locations. Large amounts of water fell on the lockers in the basement where many people store their Talis and Tefillin and other valuable items.

For the past number of years, the main shul at 770 suffered from frequent leaks, occurring after every significant rainfall. During the hours of the storm, and for days afterwards, mispalelim and bochurim would need to sidestep dripping water and puddles on the floor to daven and learn in the shul.


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