Fledgling Greenfield Community Building Their Own Mikvah

Over 70 new Jewish families moving to Greenfield, Pittsburgh, in just the past few years, prompting the need for a mikvah of their own. A campaign is underway to make that dream a reality.

Bnai Emunoh Chabad of Greenfield, Pittsburgh finds its community growing in unprecedented strides! With over 70 new Jewish families moving to Greenfield in just the past few years, Bnai Emunoh has expanded its efforts and impact. Their motto- “Where there are more people to reach there is more to be done!”

The growth the community has experienced brought forth added energy, put into the many different areas of Jewish life. Whether it be the guided youth groups, the new yeshiva campus, or the increased programming in the shul, the Jewish community in Greenfield has been re-invigorated and thus thriving. 

With all of its growth, there is still one essential thing that the Greenfield community lacks; the presence of a Mikvah. Both men and women make the long 1.5 mile trek to the nearest mikvah, a town over, in sunshine or rain, snow or sleet.

It is known that for generations, the center and life source of a Jewish community lies in its mikvah. The purifying waters are what ensure that the continuation and growth of its generations be through purity and holiness. As the Greenfield Jewish community finds itself expanding in numbers and vigor, the need for a mikvah of their own is becoming evidently present. 

A Jewish community growing and uniting together is beyond powerful! As the community of Greenfield unites in their growth, they turn to you- their greater community of Jewish brethren, to unite with them in building a future of purity. Bnai Emunoh Chabad of Greenfield is looking to build two new mikvaos- one for men and the other for women. 

Today, 400,000$ is what it takes to help make this dream become a reality. Here’s where YOU come into play. With your partnership, we can build! 

Bnai Emunoh Chabad is currently holding a campaign to raise the necessary funds to build new state of the art mikvaos in Greenfield, Pittsburgh. Through your involvement and donation, we can bring this mitzvah closer to home (literally) for so many, in an act of pure giving. Let’s show the community of Greenfield that we care and are ready to partner in their growth! 

Spring to action; Donate NOW!



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