Five Versions of ‘Haneiros Halalu’

Listen to five versions of the classic Chabad ‘Haneiros Halalu’

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Sung by the “Baalei Hamenagnim Choir’ with a music video shot by the Kosel, the old city walls, and even on mivtzoim

Chassidim sing Haneiros Halalu after the lighting of the Menorah in the Rebbe’s presence on the fifth night of Chanukah in 5749.

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Eli Marcus & Choir – Excerpt from the “One Night – One Light” Worldwide Broadcast. December 16, 2014.
A keyboard version, released this year, by Yosef Yitzchak Farkash
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Last but not least, the classic version by Avraham Fried, who brought this beautiful Chabad niggun to public awareness.

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