Five Routes to Traverse the World’s Fifth-Largest Country

In the largest operation yet, throughout the two months of the summer, 20 Bochurim on 5 routes will cover 22 states of Brazil, the fifth largest country in the world, with Project Mitzva Tank Brazil.

Starting this coming Wednesday, 4 Tammuz, cities across the fifth largest country in the world will have a unique, once-a-year opportunity to welcome Chabad presence in their areas. These regions, often as far as a four-hour flight from larger Jewish communities, eagerly await the Bochurim’s visits. Living in such remote places year after year, the Bochurim have found a tremendous opportunity to share their knowledge and warmth with those who literally wait on their doorsteps for these visits.

The growth over the past six years has highlighted the importance to the young volunteers who were inspired to take the initiative and create what is now known for its significant impact. Working hand in hand with local Shluchim and The Merkos Shlichus Office, the project maintains close and personal contact with more than 700 families, young and old, spread across over 150 cities.

The visits take place during the Yeshiva summer break. Groups of four are formed, and they drive hours upon hours to meet even a single Yid in a small village or to provide a full Shabbos experience to some. Last year, the southern route alone covered 7,000 miles (equivalent to driving from 770 Eastern Parkway to Ushuaia, Argentina, the southernmost city in the world). Two years ago, the project organized three routes: one to the North, one to the South, and one to Catarina state. However, the organizers realized it was time for a significant expansion. This year, they decided to have five routes running simultaneously. Working tirelessly, they made it happen, and it is expected to be a great success.

“We know it may not be an easy task, and we understand that some difficulties may arise. But seeing the feedback from those we visited in the past, and knowing that there is probably much more we don’t even hear about, we couldn’t say no to the idea of doubling our efforts and making something big happen!”
 – said one of the volunteering Bochurim several months ago.

The routes this year are split into regions to maximize the reach and impact of the project. Each route is carefully planned to cover specific areas, ensuring that no community is left out. The five routes are:

South Route: covers Rio Grande do Sul, a state currently facing Brazil’s largest recorded natural disaster, also includes Parana, the western region of S. Catarina, and the western and southern parts of S. Paulo. Yaacov AlpernLevi SimonowitsElazar Israily and Moshe Krasnjanski will impart their knowledge in these regions.

Catarina Coast Route: focuses on Florianópolis and the east coast of S. Catarina. Shaya BegunLevi GellisM. Freeman will express their Jewish pride and joy in the region of Brazil that suffered the most during the Holocaust.Southeast Route: encompasses the eastern and northern areas of S. Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Distrito Federal, and the southern part of Bahia. Mendel KhafifMendel KwinShaul Goldman and Moshe Azulai will enthusiastically manage this route.

North Route: includes the northern regions of Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas, Pernambuco, Piauí, and Tocantins. Shaya BegunDovid ZajacBetzalel Bukiet and Levi Teitelbaum will be responsible for this route.

Northeast Route: (All-New Route) covers Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Piauí and Maranhão. Yaacov AlpernLevi SimonowitsShaya Begun and Levi Gellis will explore the new location.

Throughout the year, these individuals are never forgotten. We maintain regular contact and ensure the delivery of essential items for each of the Chaguim, such as Matzah before Pesach and Menorahs before Chanukah. These connections foster a home for spiritual and personal growth for each person.

If you would like to make a dedication in honor of someone, please feel free to contact +1 (702) 900-TANK (8265) Call, Text or WhatsApp, or by email to

Want to be part of this great work, donate any amount today at


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  1. I think is missing an “L” in in the email, as in Brasil.

    Keep up the good work, is so inspirational to see a close friend who devotes some much for this, I’m sure the success will be thousand times more.
    חזקה לתעמולה שאינה חוזרת ריקם

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