Father of Hostage Receives Rebbe Dollar with Shocking Date On it

Jon Polin, father of hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin, received a dollar of the Rebbe from a friend in merit of his son. But when he saw the date written on it, he was shocked.

By Anash.org reporter

On Simchas Torah, 23-year-old American-Israeli Hersh Goldin-Polin was abducted by Hamas after having his arm blown off from a grenade thrown into the shelter he was hiding in. Over the last nine months, his family has traveled the world desperately advocating for his safe return, and just this week received a dollar from the Rebbe from a friend that gave them a ray of hope.

Hersh and his family moved from America to Israel when he was seven years old. At the time of the attack on Simchas Torah, Hersh and a few of his friends were at the Nova Festival and hid in a field shelter when Hamas militants began bombarding them with grenades.

Hersh’s best friend, Aner Shapira, heroically threw the live grenades back outside before they exploded, and saved the lives of his friends until he was tragically killed. Hersh had his arm blown off from the barrage of explosives and was then taken as he was, badly injured, as a hostage to Gaza where he remains until today.

Jon Polin and Rachel Goldberg, Hersh’s father and mother, have been tirelessly traveling the world strongly advocating for their son’s return. They have spoken at the United Nations, at the Rally in Washington D.C., on multiple television and news outlets, and have met personally with President Biden.

Yesterday, a ray of light finally shined into his family’s life with the miraculous gift of a dollar from the Rebbe they received from a friend. The friend has had the dollar for many years and decided to give it to Hersh’s parents for him.

“We got the dollar, and we saw it, and we were aghast,” shared his father. “If you look up on top you will see the date Daled Tishrei, Tav Shin Mem Hey written on it. Daled Tishrei is Hersh’s birthday. So there is something here.”

We daven that the Rebbe’s brachos should be fulfilled and that we should see an immediate and miraculous return of his son Hersh and of all of Am Yisroel.

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