My Shliach’s popular Farbrengen in a Box program is now sending out Gimel Tamuz farbrengen kits to families worldwide.
Beginning this week, boxes are arriving at the homes of shluchim worldwide. The children receiving these packages have likely been anticipating their arrival- Gimel Tamuz is coming, and there’s a Farbrengen to prepare!
Less than two years ago, My Shliach launched its Farbrengen in a Box program in time for Chai Elul. Since then, hundreds of shluchim have registered to receive the special packages before every chassidishe yom tov.
Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, director of Merkos Suite 302, explains, “The Rebbe stressed the power of children—והשיב לב אבות על ידי בנים—and this was an area we felt would be enhanced by this initiative. This program is a tremendous accomplishment.”
The kits come stocked with everything needed for an engaging and inspiring farbrengen with the family, including a story and nigun, a game and craft related to the farbrengen’s theme, raffle tickets, prizes and a Hachayol magazine.
“To paraphrase Reb Levi Yitzchok of Berditchev, how do you take such a great day like Yud Tes Kislev or Yud Alef Nissan, and fit it into a box?” marvels Rabbi Yossie Nemes, shliach to Metairie, LA. “When the kids see the boxes have arrived, they wait for the y’mei dipagra with such excitement. They know there will be a new story, a new craft, and even an original game connected to the yom tov, and this really makes the day special for them.”
MyShliach is a division of Merkos 302.