Farbrengen in Preparation for Gimmel Tammuz

In preparation for Gimmel Tammuz, Vaad Or V’chom HaHiskashrus has organized a dial-in farbrengen to be held on Thursday afternoon at 3:00 pm EDT.

The farbrengen, which is taking place exactly 30 days before Gimmel Tammuz, will be led by:

Rabbi Shlomo Cunin, Los Angeles, California Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein , Poway California Rabbi Asi Spiegel, Tzfas, Eretz Yisroel Rabbi Michoel Danow, Leeds UK Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin, Stamford, CT Rabbi Yitzchok Lowenthal, Copenhagen, Denmark

To join the farbrengen, dial (605) 313-4172 and enter code 223872.

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