Famous Yeshiva at Risk of Closing Its Doors

By Anash.org reporter

Reports have been coming into the news desk that Yeshivas Lubavitch in Manchester, England, which has recently been plagued by low attendance, might not re-open for the Elul zman.

The Yeshiva had for many years been a very attractive option for zal age bochurim, especially since the addition of the popular magid shiur Rabbi Yakov Moshe Wolberg to the faculty.

According to the Yeshiva’s website: “Yeshivas Lubavitch Manchester opened in 1982 under the expert leadership of Rabbi Akiva Cohen, who was personally chosen by the Lubavitcher Rebbe to be Rosh Yeshiva. The yeshiva started with 10 students and has grown year on year. We have now outgrown our rented accommodation; thus the need to move to larger premises has become critical. A new site has already been acquired and planning permission has been granted to build a new state of the art Yeshiva building worthy of our Bochurim.”

Over the years, hundreds upon hundreds of bochurim received a solid chassidishe chinuch and grew in their knowledge and understanding of Torah. The fact that a yeshiva such as this is forced to close is a terrible one. Hopefully they can reorganize and reopen very soon.

The yeshiva was founded in 5742/1982 by Rabbi Akiva Cohen and Rabbi Yitzchok Klyne. Additional staff included Rabbi Eliezer Edelman, Rabbi Yakov Moshe Wolberg, and Rabbi Berel Korf.

It is our understanding – based on discussions with members of the faculty who wish to maintain anonymity – that the yeshiva needs a minimum of 45 bochurim signed up by today – Thursday, 22 Tammuz – to be able to open for the Elul zman. It is not known how many bochurim are currently signed up.

Check back for updates as the story unfolds.

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