Follow Live: Family Invites Entire Crown Heights Community to Wedding

Get your dancing shoes ready: The families of JJ Deitsch and Fraida Jacobson prepared a surprise for them and are inviting the whole community to participate. “We want to make it an unforgettable wedding,” they told

By reporter

Live Link: Come celebrate on your porch as the car passes! Follow the link to see our live location!

When JJ Deitsch and Fraida Jacobson planned their wedding, they thought it would be a classic wedding like thousands before. Then the coronavirus came.

With current CDC guidelines not allowing gatherings of over 10 people, the planned wedding meal and party had to be canceled.

The celebration, however, will not be stopped.

“We wanted to give them an unforgettable celebration, while still following the regulations and not chas v’shalom taking any chance to spread the virus”, family members told, “so we came up with a surprise for the soon-to-be-married couple”.

The chosson and kallah will be driving through the streets of Crown Heights tonight, following the chuppa, in a convertible with the roof open. “We invite the entire Crown Heights community to come out on their porches, or stand by their windows and join the simcha”, the organizers told

“In this way, the simcha will not be diminished, and the rules will be strictly adhered to,” they said.

The celebration is a surprise for the Chosson and Kallah, and family members request that they not be informed of the planned drive.

The drive will start at approximately 6:45. A live link will be posted on to follow the chosson and kallah and allow everyone to come out at the right time.

“When we sent out the original route, we were inundated with calls and texts, with many asking why we wouldn’t be passing their block as well,” Shmuli Lezak, brother-in-law of the kallah, told “so we will be expanding the route to include the entire Crown Heights.”

Stay tuned for the live link, and get ready to celebrate!

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