Experts Address Lubavitch Mohelim

The second annual convention of Lubavitch mohelim included presentations from experts in the medical and halachic fields.

By reporter

On Sunday 26th Cheshvan, over 25 Lubavitcher mohelim gathered for the group’s second annual gathering. The event was put together by Rabbi Yochanan Klein of South Florida, a mohel and director of Healing Hearts, an organization dedicated to bikur cholim. The education-focused convention helps mohelim stay up to date with the latest medical and halachic information.

Addressing the halachic aspects of milah were Dayan Levi Yitzchak Raskin of London, England and Rabbi Yosef Feigelstock of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Rabbi Feigelstock addressed the difficult topic of verifying a baby’s Jewish identity prior to performing a milah. Rabbi Levi Heber of Crown Heights was Master of Ceremonies.

Dr Jeffrey Stock, Associate Professor of Pediatric Urology at Mount Sinai Hospital, spoke about special considerations and techniques in situations where a bris is challenging due to medical factors.  Dr. Avi Rosenberg, a nephropathologist who is also a practicing mohel, spoke about factors that could cause a bris to be delayed.

“It was good to hear from people who are involved in the medical community, and to be brought up to date on different methods,” Rabbi Mendel Ceitlin of Metairie, Louisiana told “It was especially encouraging to hear from doctors who support brisin being done through a mohel even in irregular circumstances.”

“I enjoyed sitting with other mohelim and hearing their experiences,” Rabbi Ceitlin added. “We all learned from each other.”

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