Experience Elul with the New Chassidus App

The recent launch of the Chassidus App by Heichal Menachem of Boro Park has been hailed as a revolution in making Chassidus accessible. But the plethora of choices has made deciding what to listen to more difficult. With this in mind, Anash.org has begun a series to highlight shiurim of special interest.

The expression “the tree hides the forest” has never been more suitable. Technology has availed us a wealth of information and resources, but the challenge then becomes to wade through the torrent and choose wisely what to use.

In the field of shiurim, the recent launch of the Chassidus App by Heichal Menachem of Boro Park has been hailed as a revolution in making Chassidus accessible. But the plethora of choices has made deciding what to listen to more difficult.

With this in mind, Anash.org has begun a series to introduce various options to the wider public.

The following is a sample of shiurim in Yiddish on the topic of Elul and preparing for the Yomim Nora’im.

Obviously, Reb Yoel Kahn needs no introduction nor do his shiurim need praise or an endorsement. Still, some are reluctant to listen because they deem themselves not sufficiently proficient in Chassidus to grasp the depth. However, many of the shiurim including the following one were delivered to an audience of beginners, elucidating the basics. The only hurdle to overcome is getting used to R’ Yoel’s heavy accent. Click here to hear his shiurim.

Are you the type of person who prefers newly added shiurim? Here are examples are those presented ongoingly in Heichal Menachem of Boro Park.

Rabbi Leibel Altein who in the past served on the editorial team of Likkutei Sichos and for more than thirty years stands at the helm of Heichal Menachem is now teaching Igeres Hateshuva in Tanya. Check it out here.

Rabbi Fishel Oster, maggid shiur in Oholei Torah Zal, rov of Merkaz Avriechim in Crown Heights and mashpia – maggid shiur in Heichal Menachem in Boro Park teaches a weekly text-based shiur in Torah Ohr and Likutei Torah. The concepts are clearly elucidated without getting bogged down by lengthy tangential references in the text. His confidant and flowing style make him easy to listen to. Click here to listen to his shiur on Ani Ledodi.

Anyone with minimal familiarity with Chassidus Chabad is undoubtedly aware that maamorim can be divided broadly into haskalah, concerned with ideas and explanations, verses avodah, containing inspiration and practical guidance. Having an avodahdikeh maamar taught by someone who personifies the message adds a new layer of meaning to the text. Rabbi Berel Korf, son of the unforgettable Reb Pinyeh and a mashpia in Oholei Torah Zal, formally of the Yeshiva in Manchester, UK, is currently learning a well-known maamer avodah of the Rebbe Rayatz – Ki Imcha 5709. Click here for the shiurim.

There are also many non-text-based shiurim and farbrengens by various maggidie shiur  available on the tab of yomim tovim and special days or here.

We hope this taste was helpful and will allow you to take advantage of the incredible resource that this new Chassidus app is.

Chassidus app is available on iOS and Android.

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