Yesterday, Eshel Hachnosas Orchim organized a momentous gathering of prominent Chabad rabbis and shluchim. The congress featured enlightening panel discussions on preparing to greet Moshiach, as per the Rebbe’s directives for our shlichus in this final generation.
Photos: Dovber Hechtman/
Yesterday, ESHEL Hachnosas Orchim organized a momentous gathering of prominent Chabad rabbis and shluchim at the Rebbe’s daled amos in 770. The congress featured enlightening panel discussions on preparing to actually greet Moshiach Tzidkeinu, as per the Rebbe’s directives for our shlichus in this final generation.
Divided into two sessions, each panel hosted several esteemed rabbonim and was moderated by Rabbi David Axelrod. Rabbi Shpindler’s impactful video series “I Will Come and See” was also screened, focusing on infusing the shlichus with matters of Moshiach and more.
ESHEL Hachnosas Orchim spares no effort or expense to provide for all the physical and spiritual needs of the thousands of guests who come to spend Tishrei with the Rebbe. In keeping with this dedication, they organized this momentous congress yesterday on the Rebbe’s holy premises of 770.
As we approach the eve of Sukkot, the time for increased charity, this is an opportunity to receive the Rebbe’s blessing of “m’makor haberachot” by donating to ESHEL’s tireless work.
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