‘Epic’ Siyum Harambam for Kids Planned

Following the success of last year’s Siyum Harambam for kids with over 10,000 participants, organizers announced that this year’s Siyum will be bigger and better with a program hosted by Benny Friedman and Mitzvah Boulevard. 

A Grand Siyum Harambam – Unity Event is planned for Thursday afternoon, 17th of Tammuz – July 9th at 12:30 PM EDT. The program, geared for family attendance,  will be streamed live at GrandSiyumHaRambam.com.

Last year, this event had over 10,000 participants engaged, bringing scores of camps and schools together, as well as children in individual households. In light of how important learning Rambam and Sefer Hamitzvos is to the Rebbe, and that its ultimate goal is to unite the community of learners, and in honor of the completion of the 39th cycle of Rambam, the organizers of the Siyum Harambam for kids in conjunction with Chitas for Kids decided to take this year’s Siyum to the next level. 

This year’s  interactive event with thousands from across the globe set to participate, featuring a kid-friendly program hosted by Benny Friedman will include:

A brand new episode of Mitzvah Boulevard produced specifically for this event and a  “Connection Point Home” program which will include questions and prizes for all participants.

The program will be highlighted by the unveiling of a brand new Daily Rambam Program for children and the introduction of the Daily Rambam mascots.

To order your special  siyum Harambam kit asap which includes a branded t-shirt, pen, VIP ticket which entitles you to one ticket in the VIP raffle draw, a special moreh shiur for the upcoming cycle and more, click here. There is no better way to bring anticipation for and the excitement of the  event into your home. This year, parents won’t have to dread entertaining their children on shiva asar b’tammuz!

For educators, community activists and camp (day and overnight) directors have YOUR camp, day camp, school or community featured in the program by signing up at GrandSiyumHaRambam.com/#Group.

By signing up, your group will receive the participation package which includes mention  in the program , one of the twelve pesukim being said by a representative from your location (first come, first served basis), a personalized flyer for PR purposes and more. Sign up today and become one of the many recognized groups joining this great program.

Mark your calendars and join us on Thursday, 17th of Tammuz – July 9th at 12:30 PM EST at GrandSiyumHaRambam.com

This project is being held under the umbrella of Tz’eirei Agudas Chabad.

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