Entrepreneurs Meet to Nurture the Neshama

This past Thursday, 12 Elul, a packed house came to hear the first event of its kind an evening dedicated to the ruchnius of the Crown Heights businessman.

For the past 7 years, CHYE has become an indispensable resource for community members with their Parnassa needs. Through their business mentor and counseling program, they have assisted hundreds of business owners with their startup and growth needs. Most recently CHYE has been selected by JCC of Greater Coney Island to direct the new workforce job placement program to assist community members looking to find a fulfilling job.

But life in business is multifaceted. And as much as one needs to expend efforts in business to be successful, one who truly wants to be successful must make sure to address their Neshama.

In the spirit of Chodesh Elul, CHYE partnered with 16 local shuls to bring Rabbi Levi Garelik and Rabbi Yossi Jacobson to address these issues and more.

Rabbi Garelik discussed hot button business halacha issues including topics on lending money to friends and using your credit card.

Rabbi Jacobson shared 5 important ideas for business and life: 1. Think big 2. Have a core 3. Family first 4. Your attitude in the office 5. Have a ruchnius recharge.

Progression of halacha 

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Lending Money to a Friend

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Family First

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Think Big

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Have a Core in Life

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Attitude in the Office

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Have a Ruchnius Outlet 

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