Entire Toronto Class Drives to New York for Friend’s Bar Mitzva

Photos: Shimi Hershkop/Anash.org

The entire seventh-grade class from Chabad Cheder in Toronto made the 8-hour drive to New York to celebrate the Bar Mitzva of their friend and former classmate Levi Yitzchok Plotkin.

Photos: Shimi Hershkop/Anash.org

An entire seventh-grade class from Chabad Cheder in Toronto made the 8-hour drive to New York to celebrate the Bar Mitzva of their friend and former classmate.

The bus-load of friends made the cross-border drive to Crown Heights to join the Bar Mitzva celebration of Levi Yitzchok Plotkin, the son of Rabbi Mendel Plotkin, who tragically passed away last year.

The joyous milestone was celebrated Monday night at the Oholei Torah Ballroom with family from near and far and friends from Toronto and Crown Heights.

Prior to the Bar Mitzva, the Toronto boys visited 770 Eastern Parkway and enjoyed a full day of activities in Crown Heights and Oholei Torah.


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