Engage the Entire Family in a Meaningful Moshiach Seudah

MyShliach and The Moshiach Office at Merkos 302 collaborate to create a ready-made Farbrengen package making it easy to involve the entire family in a meaningful Moshiach Seudah celebration.

Pesach preparations are ramping up in Jewish communities everywhere, but in dozens of Chabad communities worldwide, they’re preparing for more than the Seder. Numerous Lubavitcher communities are working with the Moshiach Office to uplift family and community Moshiach Seudah celebrations with curriculum and activity resources.

The Family Moshiach Seudah Farbrengen package for Lubavitcher features stories, insights, and interactive materials that allow the entire family to share something meaningful and feel a part of this special time. The family package was created in collaboration with several Chabad organizations, including the team behind the successful “Farbrengen in a Box” series at MyShliach.

The program is centered on the theme of “One By One,” emphasizing the power of each Jew and every single mitzvah to make a real impact, bring Moshiach, and unite the Jewish people through kibbutz goluyos. The program also features a unique prize program that enables all participating children to sign up and win a number of exciting prizes after Yom Tov. 

The Moshiach Office launched the new package for Lubavitcher families after successfully launching a unique program that makes it easy for Shluchim to host a meaningful and memorable Moshiach Seudah. Now, they’re bringing the same ready-made inspirational package to Lubavitcher communities and families worldwide.

“Pesach is a busy time,” says Rabbi Shloime Neparstak, director of the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302. “By the time we get to the Moshiach Seudah, we might barely have time to capitalize on the moment’s meaning.” But he hopes the Family Moshiach Seudah Farbrengen will change all that. “This ready-made package makes it easy for every family to enjoy unpacking the meaning of this special time.”

Priced at $11 per family, the resources can be shipped as hard copies or provided as printable files. Orders must be completed before March 30th to ensure on-time delivery.

Bulk orders are available for schools and Shuls to distribute.

To bring the Family Moshiach Seudah Farbrengen to your community, contact:

To order, visit: FestivalFuture.org/

For any questions or donation opportunities, message the Moshiach Office at Merkos 302 on Whatsapp +1 (347)-343-4514


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