Following Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s recent announcement that beaches in New York State will be open for Memorial Day weekend, Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein is urging him to allow camps and bungalows to open as well.
By reporter
Following Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s recent announcement that beaches in New York State will be open for Memorial Day weekend, local politicians are urging him to allow camps and bungalows to open as well.
New York State Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein responded with a tweet at the Governor demanding camps and bungalows be allowed to open as well.
“.@NYGovCuomo opened beaches for Memorial Day. What about giving children a safe and enjoyable summer in camps & bungalows?”, the assemblyman wrote.
The Association of Jewish Camp Operators in Sullivan County sent a letter to the Governor outlining strict guidelines that they would be willing to implement for camps to open for the summer.
New York officials are still thinking when and how to open sleep-away summer camps for kids but are concerned about a rare but potentially deadly syndrome associated with the coronavirus.
As of today, New York has 120 children suspected to have this new syndrome, which has symptoms similar to Kawasaki virus or toxic shock syndrome. At least 16 other states also believe they have some children with the virus, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. In New York, three children, including one teen, has died.
Those cases, which have come to light in recent days, are making state officials rethink summer camps.