East Flatbush Unites for Joyous Simchas Beis Hashoeva

Photos: David Katash/Anash.org

The streets of East Flatbush danced on Wednesday night as locals gathered for a Simchas Beis Hashoeva of their own with live music and dancing.  

The streets of East Flatbush danced on Wednesday night.

Hundreds of men and boys who live locally gathered on Troy Avenue between Lenox and Linden for a Simchas Beis Hashoeva of their own.

The celebration began with the recital of the twelve pesukim by the children, followed by a juggling and fire show. Children also enjoyed cotton candy and other treats.

The fathers and children then danced to the sound of joyous niggunim, with many of the fathers lifting their children on their shoulders to dance.

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