Ease Your Fears with This New Bitachon Series

Are you having trouble being besimcha with all your worries? A new 10-part series from A Chassidisher Derher will explore and reinforce Bitachon from the Rebbe’s perspective.

Every year when Adar comes around, we are encouraged to increase our simcha. This year is a double Adar, so the simcha needs to be double as strong.

However, this year many of us are feeling anxious and worried about the situation in Eretz Yisroel and around the world.

How then are we supposed to be besimcha? How can we ease our worries?

Bitachon is the secret.

True simcha and peace of mind comes through bitachon.

As the Rebbe says: “True bitachon in Hashem is one of the foundations of our holy Torah, and it diminishes, to the point that it annihilates [any] worry etc. [and allows a person] to serve Hashem with true simcha.”

In this light, A Chassidisher Derher is launching a 10-part WhatsApp series exploring Bitachon from the Rebbe’s perspective.

Adar I 21-30 – March 1-10

To subscribe*, click here oror send a Whstapp to +1-718-305-6859

*If you already receive Derher’s whatsapps, you do not need to resubscribe.

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