Dr. Moshe (Robert) Feldman, 80, AH

Dr. Moshe (Robert) Feldman, longtime Crown Heights physician, who merited to serve as the doctor of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin, passed away on Thursday, 28 Kislev.

Dr. Moshe (Robert) Feldman, longtime Crown Heights physician, who merited to serve as the doctor of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin, passed away on Thursday, 28 Kislev, 5782.

He was 80 years old.

Dr. Feldman, who was renowned for providing exemplary medical care to generations of Crown Heights residents, was called assist the Rebbe after his heart attack on Simchas Torah 5738. From that event onwards, Dr. Feldman became the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s personal physician, with the Rebbe consulting with him frequently.

He had a close relationship with the Rebbe and Rebbetzin, and would often visit the Rebbetzin in her home. When is daughter was set to get engaged following the Rebbetzin’s passing in 5748, the Rebbe personally encouraged Dr. Feldman, that even though it was during the Rebbetzin’s shloshim, a large engagement party should be held. “It should be done this way because this is how the Rebbetzin would have wanted it to be…and this is what will make the Rebbetzin happy,” the Rebbe told him.

After moving to Crown Heights, he opened a private medical clinic, and the Rebbe would often send chassidim to consult with him regarding various medical treatments they had to undergo. He provided medical care for generations of Crown Heights residents, and many others, in his role as a community doctor.

Dr. Feldman passed just two days prior to his 81st birthday on Lamed Kislev.

He is survived by his children, Sorah Shemtov – Riverdale, NY, Dovid Feldman – Crown Heights, Chanan Feldman – Crown Heights and Rivky Nussbaum – Monsey, NY.

He was predeceased by his wife, Mrs. Miriam Feldman a”h on 22 Teves, 5781, and his son, Yitzchok Gedalia Feldman a”h.

The levaya will take place today, Thursday, passing by 770 at 12 pm.


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  1. We lost one of the greatest human beings to ever live. He was as great a physician as he was a mentch! Boruch Dayin Emes.

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