Most soup kitchens supply food for the body. Yagdil Torah is a soup kitchen for the soul. Support their holy work on the auspicious day of Purim.
This year Yagdil Torah’s Soup Kitchen is bigger and better and we need YOUR help this Purim!!
Yagdil Torah exists to help nourish neshamos, and your partnership last year enabled us to succeed in our mission. Please partner with us again this year as we continue to expand our work.
Your support will directly contribute to our “Soup Kitchen”:
Food: Support our programs
Supplies: Support our shiurim
Chef: Support our staff
Servers: Support our publications
Location: Support our Heichal Hallimud
Our Soup Kitchen expansion includes:
· Rabbi Stolik’s daily presence in the Heichal, learning with people and answering questions
· Doubled membership in our Toras Chaim program
· More seasonal shiurim
· Expanded seforim selection in the Heichal
Stay Tuned!
· New upcoming shiurim
· A new, invigorating publication
· Heichal Hallimud minor renovations
Please help us continue our work in nourishing neshamos all year round.
Quick Donate via Paypal
Other Donation Options (mobile accessible)
Phone: 347.223.5943.
SMS: Text name, credit card number, expiration, billing address, zip and amount to charge to 347.223.5943
*Although crucial in its own right, donating to Yagdil Torah does not fulfill the mitzva of Matanos L’evyonim.