With so many Hechsheirim out there, it can be hard to know what fits your standards. Igud Yeshivos has arranged a unique Shiur with Rabbi Mendy Feigelstock on what to look out for when it comes to Hechsheirim.
By Anash.org reporter
Everyone has questions on kashrus. Simply walking into a food store can be overwhelming and confusing – given the choices available, the hundreds of hechsherim out there and the possible lack of clarity as to what one’s personal standard should be.
Igud Yeshivos has arranged a unique one-time Shiur on what to look out for when it comes to Hechsheirim. It will be presented by Rabbi Mendy Feigelstock, Director, Kashrus & Operations for Kosher Check.
Rabbi Feigelshtok will also address Lubavitch standard on: Pas Yisroel, Bishul Yisrael, Stam yaynom and Cholov akum, and how to ensure that the hechsher you are relying on ticks these boxes.
The Shiur will take place at 2:00 PM ET, live over zoom. Participants will be able to ask questions.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6137701111?pwd=Q1crb3Z4RGZwUXdvbUtPbXozRkt5dz09&status=success
Meeting ID: 613 770 1111
Password: 22620