Derher Creates Tishrei Mini Site

With Yom Tov approaching so quickly, have we had a chance to fully prepare? How can we ensure this is a meaningful Tishrei, a true “Chossid’s Tishrei”? A Chassidisher Derher has created just what you need.

It’s almost Rosh Hashanah—time is flying! In less than a week, we’ll hear the shofar, and before we know it, we’ll be sitting in the sukkah.

With Yom Tov approaching so quickly, have we had a chance to fully prepare? How can we ensure this is a meaningful Tishrei, a true “Chossid’s Tishrei”?

A Chassidisher Derher has created just what you need.

The Derher Tishrei mini site contains Derher articles and audio episodes that cover each of the major days.

From a roundtable discussion on Rosh Hashanah by the Rebbe to the Derher for Kids Vov Tishrei episode on Rebbetzin Chana. From powerful pictures of Motzoei Yom Kippur to a Yoman of Simchas Torah Nun Beis.

This mini site is your one-stop for quick Tishrei inspiration.

Click here to visit the mini site.

Additionally, Derher is running a WhatsApp series for Aseres Y’mei Teshuva.

The series, titled ‘Sparks of Teshuva’ will share insights from the Rebbe on the topic of Teshuva.

To subscribe to this series click here and add this number to your contacts.

If you already receive the Derher WhatsApps, there’s no need to resubscribe.

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