A daily Gemara study program is the perfect opportunity for structured learning, with incentives and a clear goal in sight. Join now for the new Masechta. Plus new Montreal location.
The Toras Chaim Gemara program (a project of Merkoz Halacha) will be starting a new Masechta this coming Sunday, Tes Adar. Join this cycle and finish Maseches Yevamos in just 1 year. It’s an easy 1 Amud/day, 5 days a week.
Sign up here – https://tinyurl.com/TorasChaimSign-up.
All Anash, Shluchim, Kolel Yungerleit (and Bachurim post-Yeshiva) are welcome to join. It can be learned at your own daily pace and there’s also a monthly test for which you can earn a $Cash$ Stipend. The program’s schedule and tests help to make your learning consistent, easy, and achievable with tests given in person – in Crown Heights, Kingston, PA, and Yagdi Torah Montreal – or virtually online.
Join today for FREE – https://tinyurl.com/TorasChaimSign-up.
This is a wonderful program! Are there any similar programs in other areas of study, like mishnayos?