CTeens Roll In as Shabbaton Gears Up

A whopping 2700 teenagers from 497 cities and 24 countries are converging upon Crown Heights for the CTeen shabbaton, this Shabbos, Parshas Teruma.

The International CTeen shabbaton is an annual weekend retreat for Jewish teens from around the world. For over a decade, thousands for teens have forged new friendships while experiencing a meaningful Shabbos, all in one of the most exciting cities in the world – New York City.

Some of this year’s shabbaton features include: hitting the tourist hot spots, visiting Jewish attractions throughout Brooklyn, the CTeen Choice Awards, and singing and dancing at a massive concert in the heart of Times Square!

Registration will begin on Thursday night with the program beginning Friday morning.

Friday is set for touring diverse landmarks and attractions, giving participants a choice of various exciting tracks.

Shabbos will include meals, services, interactive games, and thought-provoking workshops.

Motzei Shabbos, CTeens will head out for a special program at Times Square, followed by a Sunday morning trip to the Ohel. The Shabbaton will conclude in the afternoon with a Farewell Banquet.

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