Crown Heights Women to Come Together for Unity Challah Bake

With the Yidden of Eretz Yisroel on everyone’s minds, Crown Heights women will unite as a community to take matters into their own hands, literally, with leading Lubavitch speakers and Meirav Berger, the mother of Agam, a hostage in Gaza, will share her plea on Taharas Hamishpacha.

Simchas Torah, 5784. Need we say more?

It is impossible as Yidden for a day to go by where we are not reminded about our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel. As they face challenges, we feel their pain. We know that in moments of difficulty, the strength of our tefillos and our unity is what makes a difference.

As Jewish women, we felt compelled to do more. That is why Bais Rivkah and Women of Iron Unite, in conjunction with Shuls, schools and organizations in the neighborhood, are calling upon our community to come together for an unforgettable evening — The Crown Heights Unity Challah Bake, happening on Thursday, September 26th, אור לכ״ד אלול at Bais Rivkah, 470 Lefferts Ave.

With the hostages on our minds, we women will unite as a community to take matters into our own hands, literally. We will be tapping into the special koichos given to us, by highlighting the three mitzvos of women. This evening holds special significance as it marks the 50th anniversary of Mivtza Neshek, a campaign introduced by the Rebbe that has illuminated Jewish homes for half a century.

The evening will begin with inspirational words from Mrs. Maggie Rogatsky, setting the tone for a night filled with purpose. Mrs. Esther Sternberg, Director of the Neshek Campaign, will reflect on the extraordinary impact of this mivtza and how it has uplifted so many over the past five decades.

Mrs. Miriam Lipskier, Shlucha to Emory University, GA, will give insights into the mivtza of Taharas Hamishpacha. Mrs. Rivkah Krinsky will share beautiful insights into the mitzvah of challah while leading us in song, alongside Mrs. Devorah Bukiet and renowned pianist Mrs. Mirele Rosenberger.

Meirav Berger, the mother of Agam, a hostage in Gaza, will share her personal plea on Taharas Hamishpacha.

This is not just another event. It is a call to action. We urge you to come, to join us, and to participate in this עת רצון to make a difference through tefillah, mitzvah, and unity. You are needed. Let’s take matters into our hands.

Doors open at 8:00 PM, due to limited seating, we encourage you to arrive early and be part of this essential evening. All ingredients will be provided, the only ingredient we’re missing is you!

Thank you to our sponsors:
Bais Shmuel
Mikvah Mei Chaya Mushka
On-Time Capital Group
Chani Greenbaum
Oak Tree Insurance Services
The Market Place
Mr Greens
Kettle & Cord
Raskin’s Fruit
Buncho Bagels

Participating Organizations and Shuls:
N’shei Ubnos Chabad
Bais Rivkah
Bnos Menachem
Anshei Lubavitch
Congregation Yaakov Yehuda
Congregation Lubavitch East Flatbush
Living Chassidus
Bais Moshe
Bnos Chomeish
Educating Women In The Light Of Chassidus

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  1. Are these challahs available for purchase for Rosh Hashana?

    Would love something new something different this Yom Tov.

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