Crown Heights Welcomes the Rebbe’s Shluchim

The Kinus Hashluchim 5780 began Wednesday evening with registration, dinner, and visits to the Rebbe’s home and room.

By reporter

It’s that time of year again. The air is charged with excitement as a familiar sight is seen on the streets of Crown Heights: shluchim walking down the Avenue, greeting old friends with a warm handshake and a hearty “Sholom aleichem!”

On this, the first evening of the Kinus Hashluchim 5780, the agenda begins with registration, where shluchim check in and receive their badges and this year’s model of the “kinus bag,” packed with essentials like water bottles, granola bars and dvar malchus, and of course, something a little extra.

Outside the Rebbe’s house on President Street and the Rebbe’s room in 770, shluchim stand in line, reflecting on the holiness of the spaces they are about to enter. There is a dinner for those who are here, but the fast paced program packed with speakers and workshops begins tomorrow morning. Tonight is all about coming home, seeing friends, being back in the Rebbe’s shchunah.

Crown Heights families have been busy preparing rooms and Shabbos meals for the hundreds of shluchim that will be graciously welcomed into their homes this weekend. Kingston stores have hung signs advertising discounts for the visitors, who will need to replenish the necessities they rely on but can’t procure in their makom hashlichus.

Welcome home shluchim!

Photos by Meir Donel

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