Besides the annual Hei Teves sale at, site owners will be opening their Crown Heights warehouse for a once-a-year sale to mark the ‘Yom Tov of the Seforim’. Open Motzei Shabbos 7-10 PM and free gift to first 100 shoppers.
Lubavitchers across the globe are preparing for Hei Teves with the purchase of seforim and Jewish books as per the Rebbe’s request.
Throughout the year, is the ideal online seforim store for Anash and Shluchim. In honor of Hey Teves, in addition to having a major online sale, they will be opening their warehouse to the public.
“The warehouse sale will be featuring exclusive deals, some as cheap as $4 or $5” Shlomo Goldman, owner of, told “There will also be special deals on sets and closeouts.”
In an exclusive deal for readers, Seforim Deals will be giving a free gift during the sale without any purchase with the mention of, while supplies last. (Terms and conditions apply)
“Our warehouse sale provides something for everyone. We have seforim, books, sets, children’s books, cookbooks, basically whatever Jewish books you need,” Goldman shared. “Due to the great demand, we are extending it to 4 days, instead of the usual two.”
The warehouse sale is located on top of Empire Kosher, at 527 Empire Blvd (entrance on the left of the supermarket). It will be open on Motzei Shabbos 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Sunday, 5 Teves, 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM, Monday and Tuesday from 10 AM to 7 PM.
Although many items at the warehouse will have exclusive prices, an online sale will be available until Tuesday for those out of town.
Steep discounts are also being offered now through Tuesday at If you’re local, however, make sure not to miss the warehouse sale, as it will feature amazing offers and discounts not available online.
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