Crown Heights Shuls Seek Solutions for Aseres Hadibros

The Yom Tov of Shavuos is fast approaching, and with it comes the Rebbe’s instruction that all men, women and children hear the reading of the Aseres Hadibros. Crown Heights Shuls are looking for a solution to make it possible this year.

By reporter

Will we merit to accept the Torah this year?

Come every year Shavuos, the Rebbe would encourage in many sichos to make sure that all men, women and children hear the reading of Asseres Hadibros on the first day of Yom Tov. During a normal year, shuls in Crown Heights and worldwide are packed with yidden of all ages and stages.

However, this year, with the coronavirus preventing large gatherings, and only a limited amount of people allowed in each shul, many are wondering how they will be able to listen to Asseres Hadibros this year.

“Every year, our regular minyan is packed, and we make a second krias hatorah for women or small children who couldn’t make it earlier,” the administrator of one Crown Heights shul shared with “This year, we may have a small minyan of 10 or 15 people, but that leaves many men and all the women and children without the ability to come.”

An identical problem in Eretz Yisroel led Tzach to create ‘pop-up’ shuls to set up in a park, yard or public areas. But in the claustrophobic blocks of Crown Heights, such a solution would not work very well. How then will we fulfill the Rebbe’s directive this year?

The most recent coronavirus update released by the Gedalya Society touched on the issue but did not offer concrete solutions.

“As regards Shavuos, we are thinking of ways for every member of the community, young and old, to hear the “Aseres Hadibros”. With the help of Hashem the wishes of our Rebbe in this matter will surely be accomplished,” they said.

One of the organizers of the yearly minyanim shared with the ideas on the table at the current moment.

“The truth is that we will not know until late next week. Anything can change overnight,” he said. “But it looks like most of Crown Heights will hear Aseres Hadibros by their block minyonim.”

Sources confirmed to that there will be a minyan outside 770 every hour on the hour, open to men, women and children.

“There will be health precautions in place, and social distancing will be required, but the minyonim will take place,” they said.

Know of an outdoor minyan for Aseres Hadibros? Whatsapp us at +1 (516) 261-2371 or email [email protected] and help others fulfill the Rebbe’s directive as well.

For a list of weekday outdoor minyonim in Crown Heights click here.

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