Crown Heights Shmira Urges Residents to Stay Home

In light of the violent demonstrations all over the country Crown Heights Shmira issued a safety warning urging residents to stay home when possible.

Dear Crown Heights Residents 

In light of the recent developments in the George Floyd incident that took place in Minneapolis, which has lead to an eruption of violence all over the country by the way of violent demonstrations, attacks on Police and burning of police cars and buildings and businesses.

Crown Heights Shmira is advising the community members to avoid going out unnecessarily and if you have to go out please try and be in groups and use common sense to keep safe and be vigilant to avoid contact with rowdy groups.

 If you plan on leaving the Crown Heights area be aware that there is ongoing violent demonstrations all over the five Boroughs, you should follow traffic advisories as there are some very violent demonstrations taking place now and stay away from those areas.

Please understand that the NYPD is under extreme pressure and stretched thin, and response may be slow due to the situation, so please avoid going to any hot areas.

Crown Heights Shmira will keep the community up to date on any developing situations.

Crown Heights Shmira is available 24/7 for emergencies, do not hesitate to call if you see suspicious or problematic activity.

SHMIRA Hotline 


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