A center in Crown Heights will serve as the ‘Shidduch House’, where everything related to making shidduchim will take place, in a new effort to combat an age-old challenge.
As the finishing touches are being put into place and the fresh paint is just about dry, there’s a buzz in the air about a new space opening in the heart of Crown Heights. Dedicated and caring members of the community have stepped forward to meet a very important need in a serious, practical and impactful way.
These days most people will follow the word Shidduch with the word crisis. Everyone is well aware of the situation at large and the need to face this challenge head-on. Enter the “Shidduch House”, an antidote and proactive solution to make a real difference and bring positive change to this challenging reality. A new word to associate with the word shidduch. Reminiscent to the days in the shtetl where it all happened under the roof of the Shadchinteh’s home.
With its modern and tasteful décor and warm and inviting space, The Shidduch House will be a welcoming haven for singles, parents, and shadchonim alike where everything related to making shidduchim will take place. With a common goal, where everyone is on the same page, eager and optimistic to make shidduchim, The Shidduch House will be the center of energy where it will all happen.
The Shidduch House will offer a free and available space for Shadchonim to meet singles in a very comfortable and professional setting, for shadchonim to meet and network together, as well as meet with parents. The first of its kind, a space for Shadchanim to do their holy work in a relaxed atmosphere conducive to getting the job done. Without any outside distractions, shadchanim can be totally focused on the task at hand while being surrounded and supported by all the resources necessary to meet with success.
Shadchanim are at the heart of every marriage in our community. Our mission is to provide a beautiful space to facilitate the process of shidduchim for all those involved. A place where our shadchanim can be effective advocates for our children and friends. A space to make meaningful connections, ultimately leading to successful matches. A home for shidduchim.
Singles will have the opportunity to be heard and seen in a meaningful way. They will have the option to present their profile or book an appointment for a more in-depth conversation with one of our warm and caring shadchanim, who will take the time to get to know them to be able to better help them. All activities and meetings with the shadchonim and singles will take place confidentially through the online scheduling program ensuring utmost privacy to this very delicate and sensitive area.
The Shidduch House will also feature workshops and educational events to better equip our singles on how to more effectively navigate this journey they are on as well as informative talks for the shadchonim and parents. Additionally, assistance with putting together a well-presented resume and the opportunity to have professional photos taken will be offered free of charge.
Along with many dedicated shadchanim, Esther Berkowitz will be joining the team in an effort to make this dream a reality. “When I was approached with this concept, I was immediately excited for the opportunity to help and give back. As someone whose journey through shidduchim was not easy and someone who got married at an older age, the idea of being involved in such a project was extremely inviting. I feel very passionately about shidduchim and look forward to seeing the tremendous success of the Shidduch House.” As a dating coach herself, Esther will bring her expertise to the center as well.
The Shidduch House would like to see some other benefits that will come as a result of the work being done. One of the ideas initiated will be that after a couple gets married, they come to the Shidduch House to give back by making suggestions for their single friends as a Hachlata Tova.
The Shidduch House will reach out and advocate for singles that perhaps don’t have anyone networking on their behalf. We will work tirelessly to see to it that every effort is made to represent them and make successful shidduchim.
The Shidduch House will also be offering singles a space to meet in a beautiful and private setting.
With the doors just about ready to open, the Shidduch House is getting ready to make great changes and impact the world of shidduchim in a very real way. The Shidduch House can be your house, your friend’s house and your neighbor’s house. We invite all shadchanim to take advantage of this resource, we invite all singles to come in and meet them. We encourage you to be a part of this revolution and look forward to welcoming you in!
For more information please visit our website www.shidduchhouse.com
To make a donation or sponsor an upcoming event please email us at info@shidduchhouse.com
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