The Badatz of Crown Heights has lifted restrictions against people attending outdoor minyanim. In addition, the Rabbonim are now deferring all such decisions to medical and legal authorities.
By reporter
The entire Crown Heights community is now free to join outdoor minyanim, provided socia distancing is maintained, according to an advisory issued by the Beis Din.
Here is the text of the letter:
B”H, 24 lyar, 5780
Communual Advisory
As there is serious discussion about “Reopening” in general and within our
community, obviously in accordance with legal and medical guidelines,
And more specifically in our community, as per the solid data (reviewed by statisticians and medical professionals) about where the community stands now,
The Badatz wishes to advise the following:
1. First and foremost, all restrictions from legal and medical authorities
obviously must be adhered to.
2. We have been advised that the former restriction against people from
the street attending the so-called “porch minyanim” is no longer a
necessity, provided proper social distancing etc. is maintained.
3. The Badatz, though maintaining serious and regular consultations with a
broad range of medical professionals, does not consider itself an
authority on medical matters. (The original need for the Badatz to
intervene was to prevent the mistaken notion that Tefillah B’tzibbur or
other similar halachic requirements supersede concerns of Pikuach
4. At this stage, the Badatz defers all such decisions to the local medical
and legal authorities.
5. It goes without saying that the Badatz will regularly advise and instruct in any situation where these decisions have halachic bearing.
We hope and daven that we will no longer need to issue advisories of this sort and the function of the Beis Din will be restored to its original purpose, with the coming of Moshiach NOW.
Rabbi Osdoba
Member of Badatz
Rabbi Braun
Member of Badatz