The Gedaliah Society, in conjunction with Dr. Rosen, has issued another survey to be filled out by those who have become ill within the last two weeks. Responses are crucial to gauge how the illness is affecting the community.
COVID-19 Update#21
It remains critically important for us as a community to understand how this illness is affecting our community. Knowing if we are experiencing new cases, when and who, is vital to knowing how well we are slowing the spread, and how much disease is still prevalent.
Please: if you’ve become ill within the past 2 weeks, please fill out the survey below. And, please share the survey with any friends or family. Every response brings us closer to clarity.
Hatzalah/TGS COVID Survey
We are deeply concerned that patients who have had the illness for several weeks (having gotten sick in the week or so after Purim) are apparently at even higher risk than we first thought, for developing thromboses (clots) in the veins of the legs and being in real danger of pulmonary embolism (the clot traveling to the lungs).
The exact management, as is the case with many issues related to COVID, is a question of debate at this time. However, what is not questionable is that patients with clots resulting from COVID must receive treatment of some sort.
To this end we are trying to initiate a program, screening those patients who were either hospitalized or who have been sick since Purim, particularly those who are not well yet. The screening test is a relatively simple sonogram of the veins of the legs and may be lifesaving.
We urge all patients who fall into groups mentioned above (sick for a long time or having been hospitalized and not yet well) to make sure they get screened for clots that may have formed in the veins of their legs during the illness. Please contact your doctor regarding this.
At this time, we would also like to take the opportunity to stress that anyone above age 65, with underlying health issues, or currently ill, to please continue to isolate at home and to not go out. This is CRITICALLY important for those who have not been ill with the virus yet. For those that do not fall into those categories, if you need to leave home, it is vitally important to practice strict social distancing and maintain your distance from others, and to wear a mask when outdoors.
COVID hotline: 212-901-2000.
Errands helpline: [email protected] (or call the hotline 212-901-2000).
Mental health support: Call the hotline, 212-901-2000, and follow the prompts
May all those that are well remain well, and those that are ill have a complete and speedy Refuah Shleimah!
– The Gedaliah Society, in conjunction with Dr. Rosen