The Mesivta of Coral Springs celebrated a joyous Seudah and Siyum upon completion a three-month Mivtzah titled “Sichoseinu.” The Mivtzah, run by the Shluchim, focused on learning Likkutei Sichos and developing Yiddish, culminating in an evening filled with inspiration, speeches, awards, and prizes.
Last night, the Mesivta of Coral Springs celebrated a joyous Seudah and Siyum at Chabad of Coral Springs in honor of the completion of their three-month Mivtzah titled “Sichoseinu.” The Mivtzah, run by the dedicated group of Shluchim, focused on learning Likkutei Sichos and developing Yiddish, culminating in an evening filled with inspiration, speeches, awards, and prizes.
The Mivtzah, named “Sichoseinu,” saw bochurim dedicating themselves to the study of Likkutei Sichos over the past three months. Shiurim Alef delved into the teachings of Likkutei Sichos Chelek Alef, while Shiur Gimmel and Beis focused on Likkutei Sichos Chelek Chof. Alongside their regular curriculum, the bochurim underwent tests to gauge their understanding and proficiency.
The evening started off with a Dvar Malchus by Hatomim Isaac Amitay, followed by a Dvar Torah by Hatomim Mendel Garfinkel, who spoke about the importance of not just learning Torah, but how a bochur has to live Torah. Rabbi Aryeh Shechter, mashpia in yeshivah, spoke about how this Siyum shouldn’t just be the end of a Mivtzah but the beginning of a bochur completing many more krachim of Likkutei Sichos.
The keynote address was delivered by Rabbi Leibel Shapiro, the esteemed Rosh Yeshivah of Miami Zal and Rov of Miami Beach, who expounded on the importance of Likkutei Sichos and how it changes the outlook one should have on their life.
As the event reached its climax, the grand prize ceremony took center stage. Bochurim in Shiur Alef who successfully passed the tests were rewarded with either a set of Selections From Likkutei Sichos or a set of Lessons in Tanya, depending on the track they pursued. Likewise, bochurim in Shiur Gimmel and Beis received either a set of Sefer Hasichos, Likkutei Sichos, or Igros Kodesh based on their chosen track.
The Siyum served not only as a recognition of academic achievement but also as a testament to the dedication of the bochurim of the Mesivta of Coral Springs.
The Mivtzah and event was a project of the Mesivta of Coral Springs Shluchim 5785.
Photos: Shmuly Grossbaum
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