Congressman Attends Tefillin Club at Merrick Chabad

On Sunday, United States Representative Anthony Esposito addressed Chabad of Merrick’s Sunday morning Tefillin Club discussing the $14 billion in funding he secured for Israel and his commitment to fighting antisemitism. 

By reporter

On Sunday morning, Representative Anthony Esposito who represents 4th Congressional District in Long Island attended the tefillin club at Chabad of Merrick, where he addressed the crowd.

The Congressman spoke to a standing-room-only crowd and told of the $14 billion in funding he secured for Israel and of his commitment to fighting antisemitism. 

Chabad of Merrick is led by Rabbi Shimon and Chanie Kramer, who have exponentially grown Jewish life in the town since their arrival in 2006. Rabbi Kramer continues to be one of the most popular people in town and was named Merrick’s “Person of the Year” in 2017.

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  1. Rabbi Kramer and his wife Chanie continue to exceed expectations in uniting and strengthening the local Jewish community.

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