150 college students from across Eretz Yisroel participated in the 4-day “Journey to the Tanya” of Chabad on Campus Israel, concluding with a spiritually charged Shabbos at the Alter Rebbe tziyun in Haditch.
150 college students and shluchim from across Eretz Yisroel participated in the “Journey to the Tanya” of Chabad on Campus Israel.
The students, who are all regular participants in Chabad on Campus activities and studied 15 chapters in Tanya during the last college semester, set off last week for a spiritually charged trip to the tziyun of the Alter Rebbe.
On Thursday night, after intense preparations, the group finally entered the holy Ohel of the Alter Rebbe as they sang the Daled Bavos. One representative read the Pan Kloli on behalf of all the students in Eretz Yisrael. Later a farbrengen was held well the night with all students participating.
On Friday, the group traveled out to the forest surrounding Haditch where they mastered various challenges based on concenpts in Tanya they learned in the months leading up to the journey. The challenge was played on ATVs, bicycles, boats and helicopters and all the students were amazed by the surprises.
The event was possible through the help of Rabbi Schneur Zalman Deitch, director of Hachnosas Orchim, who worked tirelessly to arrange all the needs of the guests, organizing food and hospitality.
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