Colel Chabad to Distribute Tens of Thousands of Meals

This Tishrei, tens of thousands of our brothers and sisters in Israel are in compromised situations and in dire need of food for Yomtov. Colel Chabad is committed to providing for them, and you can help. 

In a COVID world, nothing is certain.

In Israel, 800,000 individuals who had never needed government assistance before, now find themselves in need this Yomtov season.

The Israeli government knows where to direct them.

Colel Chabad, is the oldest Tzedakah Organization in Israel. Founded by the Alter Rebbe in the year 1788 and strengthened by each of our Rebbeim throughout the generations, Colel Chabad has been providing financial and material aid to Israel’s needy. 

Millions of dollars were spent over the course of the pandemic!

Their 22 soup kitchens provide daily meals to thousands and they deliver food to the eldery and homebound throughout the country.

When COVID – 19 came and rocked the country, Colel Chabad’s work became more important than ever before. Hundreds of volunteers quickly mobilized to take the level of operation to the next level. Thousands of tons of food and supplies have been delivered to those in quarantine, those with compromised incomes and homebound eldery and infirmed. 

Now, Tishrei is on the horizon, and the demand is astronomical. Colel Chabad is committed to provide for every single family in need so that they too can celebrate Yomtov in a dignified manner. Tens of thousands of meals and food vouchers are being prepared to be sent out to the tens of thousands of families, holocaust survivors, the ill and the elderly.

Join the Tishrei Drive to help Colel Chabad accomplish this enormous feat.

As an added bonus, thanks to a generous donation by an individual who wished to add incentive to campaign participants, any donation of $54 or more will automatically enter you into a raffle to win a Yarmulka made with material from a garment of the Rebbe!

Visit to take part.


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