Students of Rabbi Vogel’s 7th-grade class in Lubavitch Yeshiva got together for a socially distanced brunch at the Ohel Benish porch minyan on President Street.
By CJ Ross
This past Tuesday afternoon, Rabbi Vogel (7th Grade Rebbe at ULY) treated his talmidim to a sumptuous brunch at “Ohel Benish” on President Street (Rosenberg residence).
Rabbi Vogel reached out to the parents and discussed a possible “soft open” where the students could come together with proper social distancing for a brunch.
The children were treated to Holesome bagels, french fries, and popcorn while maintaining proper social distancing. The young boys were happy to see one another after such a long break during the quarantine.
“Ohel Benish” is proud to be the very first and oldest porch minyan in Crown Heights established on Shabbos Parshas Ki Sisa 5780. Ohel Benish is named after Benish Ben Reb Eliyahu Halevi Fried.