Chof Av Campaign Launches Bonus Round

Over 3,500 chassidim have already donated to Chabad of Kazakhstan’s Chof Av campaign, and a bonus round has been launched.

Over 3,500 chassidim from around the world have already donated to Chabad of Kazakhstan’s Chof Av campaign.

The massive success has prompted the launching of a bonus campaign.

We still need your help to reach every Jew in every city and far-flung village across Kazakhstan.

We still need your help to continue building and growing on the legacy of Harav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson.

You can still take part, bring the Rebbe nachas ruach, and merit incredible brachos!

Click here to take part now!

To donate and send names for brochos at the holy tziyun of R’ Levi Yitzchok, click here.

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