The fourth-grade students of Cheder Lubavitch Hebrew Day School in Chicago along with their teacher Rabbi Avraham Varnai created a massive Menorah made with over 2500 cans of food, which were then donated to Bubby Fira’s Food Bank.
The fourth-grade students of Cheder Lubavitch Hebrew Day School in Chicago along with their teacher Rabbi Avraham Varnai created a massive Menorah made with over 2500 cans of food. The cans and other dried goods were fundraised by the students of the class.
In honor of the 5th night of Chanukah, parents, staff and students gathered in the school to light this unique and caring Menorah. Meir Slavaticki, a student in the class, lit the Menorah and Mendy Scharf helped with the lighting.
Rabbi Yitzchok Wolf addressed the audience about how special it is for students to think about those in need during this time of the year.
Rabbi Levi Notik, the Rabbi of F.R.E.E. and who also runs Bubby Fira’s Food Bank, a recipient of the food, thanked the students for their amazing work and spoke about the importance of helping others in a dignified manner. The cans are also being donated to the Chicago Chesed Fund which runs its own food pantry helping 100s of families each month.
“We are very proud of the 4th-grade students who went above and beyond to help those in need,” the Cheder administration said.
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