Cheder Ohr Menachem Celebrates 19 Kislev with Joyous Farbrengen

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/

Talmidim of Cheder Ohr Menachem had a farbrengen in honor of 19-20 Kislev to celebrate the Alter Rebbe’s chag hageula with singing Pada B’sholom and dancing together joyfully.

This Sunday, Chof Kislev, talmidim of Cheder Ohr Menachem – Crown Heights along with their teachers, hanhala and many of cheder’s supporters gathered for a heartwarming farbrengen in ‘Anshei Lubavitch’ hall, to celebrate the Chag Hageula of the Alter Rebbe in a most royal and festive way!

They were joined by a guest speaker Rabbi Hillel Zaltzman, who shared with the talmidim some of his childhood memories.

The children followed along with singing Pada B’sholom, and continued the special day with lively dancing.

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