Cheder Menachem of Kingston is Reaching New Heights

For the rapidly growing Anash community in Kingston PA, Cheder Menachem is so much more than a school. Now with over 400 students enrolled, it is a reflection of a strong, deeply rooted community, with no desire to compromise their children’s education.

For the rapidly growing Anash community in Kingston PA, Cheder Menachem is so much more than a school.

Now with over 400 students enrolled, it is a reflection of a strong, deeply rooted community, with no desire to compromise their children’s education in pursuit of a “small town” lifestyle.

Take a walk through the halls of Cheder Menachem.

From the sweet voices of young girls davening, to the sound of Gemara, Mishnayos, or Chasidishe Niggunim, you will see and hear a thriving school, filled with happy smiling faces.

“The growth of our school has been nothing short of amazing BH!” says R’ Yossi Baumgarten,
Director of the Cheder.

While the numbers are simply staggering, the growth has led to many important advancements in curriculum, facilities, extracurricular activities, and much more.

When asked about the rapid growth, Baumgarten replied:

“I won’t lie, it’s challenging, but so rewarding as well. To be involved with something so powerful and special, it’s truly amazing to see, and would not be possible without the incredible group of staff we have here”.

Indeed, the staff at Cheder Menachem, from teachers to administrators, all have an incredible amount of passion and excitement for what they do, and a desire to see real and tangible results.

A parent of the school, in response to what really drives the staff at Cheder Menachem: “They are career educators, and are not satisfied with simply “getting by”. They want the very best for each and every one of their students, in a real way”

With incredible growth comes even more incredible responsibility, and a growing financial overhead poses many new challenges.

Today, you have the opportunity to fuel the continued growth of Cheder Menachem by visiting

“It really takes a village to raise a child, and we are prepared to do whatever it takes to offer the community of Kingston PA, and indeed beyond, a quality and wholesome education, at Cheder Menachem.

Click here to donate!


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