Cheder Chabad of Monsey Celebrates at Gala Dinner

Photos: David Osinsky

Friends, supporters and the parent body of Cheder Chabad of Monsey gathered for an evening to “Educate, Elevate and Celebrate”, at a gala dinner that honored Representative Mike Lawler.

By reporter

Friends, supporters and the parent body of Cheder Chabad of Monsey gathered for an evening to “Educate, Elevate and Celebrate”, at a gala dinner.

Hundreds of members of the Chabad community in Monsey, Pomona and the wider Rockland County area gathered for the event, held in honor of the Hakhel year.

The dinner celebrated the accomplishment of the Cheder and highlighted the work of the dedicated teachers and staff, as well as showing appreciation to the supporters of the Cheder.

Among the honorees was Representative Mike Lawler, who was recently elected as U.S. representative for New York’s 17th congressional district, which includes Rockland County, with strong support from the frum community. Representative Lawler also spoke at the event, praising the work of Cheder Chabad.

Also honored was Rabbi Yosef Sirota, who was awarded with ‘Mechanech of the Year’ award, and Rabbi Kalman Wolchok, who was awarded the ‘Chinuch Visionary’ award.

Mr. and Mrs. Yossi Light were also honored for their dedication to the Cheder and its success.

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