The 5 round trip tickets to Israel and a weekend stay at the Waldorf Astoria in Jerusalem will be awarded to…
Over the past few weeks, thousands of people from around the world stood up in support of Chayal el Chayal and the important work that they do for Lone Soldiers, every single day.
The incredible prize of 5 round trip tickets to Israel and weekend stay at the luxurious Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Jerusalem goes to:
Aaron Roth from California.
Chayal el Chayal is a family, lifeline and support system for IDF Lone Soldiers. They are there for them through thick and thin, through all of the intense highs and lows that army service brings.
It is their honor to serve those who risk everything to protect Jewish lives in the holy land.
Thank you to all of those who participated for making their important work possible.
To learn more about Chayal el Chayal’s activities visit:
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