Chanukah Gelt They Will Cherish Forever

Merkaz Chomesh Kollel is extending its specialty raffle for a chance to win a Dollar from the Rebbe for every member of your family!

What do your kids look forward to purchasing with their Chanukah gelt? Treats? Toys? Seforim?

This Chanukah, give them gelt that they will cherish and keep with them forever. Give them the priceless gift of a dollar from the Rebbe. The younger generation did not have the opportunity to receive a dollar from the Rebbe’s holy hand, by gifting them this present you are giving them something concrete that can symbolize the intrinsic connection that lies within each chossid.

Merkaz Chomesh Kollels, a network of international kollels in which hundreds of people gather every night to learn Chassidus, is holding a fundraising raffle. The main raffle has been drawn and the prize of 2 round trip tickets to Israel and a weekend stay at Mamilla Hotel has been awarded to: Michal l Levine of Brooklyn NY, USA.

As a special bonus to the raffle – a second winner will be drawn who will receive a dollar from the Rebbe for every member of their immediate family.

Though this is a gift without a price, tickets are only $18. For a prize this special – buy a few!

Visit to learn more and to purchase tickets.

The raffle will be drawn on the last day of Chanukah.

With wishes for a happy Chanukah,

Merkaz Chomesh Kollel.

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