Chabad Soldiers Erect Giant Menorah in Gaza Strip

Lubavitcher soldiers in the IDF erected a large Menorah in the Beit Hanon neighborhood in the heart of the Gaza Strip, bringing a little bit of light to a place of terrible darkness.

By reporter

Lubavitcher soldiers in the IDF erected a large Menorah in the Beit Hanon neighborhood in the heart of the Gaza Strip, bringing a little bit of light to a place of terrible darkness.

The 15-foot menorah is the first of over a dozen public menorah that will be erected at temporary IDF military instillations across the Gaza Strip over the next week in advance of Chanukah.

The giant menorahs are a a project of Chabad Youth Organization in Eretz Yisroel, directed by Rabbi Yosef Aharonov.

In addition to the public menorahs, Chabad of Israel is ensuring that every soldier fighting in Gaza will have their own menorah to light and sufganiyot to celebrate the holiday.


IDF Soldiers Erect Chabad Menorah in Gaza


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